A Summer Brand All Year Long?


As the summer comes to an end, and Beirut quiets down a bit, it’s natural that we face some post-holiday blues. But those poor summer-based business owners are probably having heart palpitations! Beach clubs, summer resorts, and seaside restaurants must all come to terms with the reality that they will now be facing yet another hard winter. Customers are now looking at Halloween, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines – not exactly beachy activities – so what can a resort do?!

The key is a brand recall.

Recognizing a brand means remembering moments and events associated with it. In the bitter winter, people tend to dream about the summer, many will be planning their weddings, birthdays and preparing for the incoming horde of family and friends, and they generally make their decisions based on brand recall.

How can we sustain the brand’s association and engagement during the low season?


We knew that Orchid was famous for its gourmet cocktails, this was a key attractor for many, so to continue the customer’s engagement and connection with the brand we thought: why not let them enjoy our signature cocktails throughout the year? And so, the Orchid Cocktail Book was born.

Classic and signature cocktail recipes with stories and details acted as the main focus of this book, which was designed to be a high-end mixology guide to match the Orchid image, with visually-arresting photography and a special writer brought onboard to verbally express the Orchid experience.

The premium book was launched at a special party and later sent by hand to VIPs, eventually hitting the bookstore shelves, which created an additional revenue stream for the brand.


But then we thought – why not take it a step further and truly recreate the Orchid experience for our fans?

While the clubs are closed, there’s no reason people can’t enjoy Orchid at home! With a strategic collaboration between Orchid and renowned artist and composer Guy Manoukian, we were able to co-create original music tracks that captured Orchid’s mood and vibe. Orchid's customers could now enjoy their cocktails and dance the night away, reminiscing about those lazy summer days and remembering the good times at Orchid. 


Mahonia / A new fine dining experience


Destination Branding = People Branding